"Caring for our Neighbors, One Person at a Time"
We have consistent hours and operate a FREE store with items that any resident in Minnesota is welcome to. This makes it accessible to as many as possible. We have also delivered on occasion to people without transportation. This community closet & pantry is different because our only requirement is residency in MN. This allows us to be nimble and help as many as possible such as the homeless, fire or domestic abused displaced victims.
We do this by uniquely tailoring the assistance they receive depending on their needs. Providing these resources helps families and individuals to focus on things such as their children, housing, finding/securing a job, sobriety, etc. For example, one family might need a gas card while another may need food assistance and resources for housing. Each case is different.
Our social media Facebook Group is another way we build the community. We do this by sharing resources such as job fairs, free food or clothing events & allowing others to list free items and resources. This connects the community to each other, thus allowing them to feel involved.
Excerpt from Articles of Incorporation:
Article III – Mission and Purpose
Section 1. Mission. Caring Hearts in Action MN strives to pay it forward, because "Everyone deserves kindness and the basic essentials in life."
The specific purpose of Corporation is charitable: Combatting community deterioration, as well as relieving the poor, distressed, and underprivileged, by: 1.) providing assistance to overburdened families and individuals, so all persons: a.) can become self-sufficient, b.) build positive self-esteem, and c.) facilitate long-term outcomes toward health and wellness; 2.) organizing a structured volunteering program to increase public philanthropy; and 3.) increasing public awareness of community needs.