


Address: Yarbrough Tennis Center, Yarbrough Farms Boulevard, Auburn, AL, USA Get Directions

UN Sustainable
Development Goal
Reduced Inequalities
Dream Court Clinics in Auburn
9/12/23 6:00 PM - 7:05 PM
Yarbrough Tennis Center
Yarbrough Tennis Center, Yarbrough Farms Boulevard...
334-421-0478 [email protected]





    Volunteer Responsibilities

    What this role entails






    Athlete Recruiting

    • Reaching out to local programs, churches, civic organizations that are involved with Special needs. 

    • Have access to flyer and webpage. 

    • Communicate with local program coordinator. 



    Registration Table 


    • Welcome athletes and volunteers. 

    • Give athletes and volunteers their shirt. 

    • Guide athletes and volunteers to complete liability forms if it hasn’t been completed yet. 

    • 40 min before practice to set up table. 

    • Exapted to confirm and document completion of liability forms. 


    Set up 

    • Arrive one hour before practice. 

    • Transport Equipment from storage room to the courts

    • Set up the Welcome Table, t-shirts, and banners. 

    • 60 min time commitment before each practice 

    • Expected to lift 40 pounds. 



    Clean Up Facility


    • Assure equipment is properly stored for easy access. 

    • 30 min Time commitment after each practice 

    • Expected to lift 40 pounds. 



    Volunteer Manager

    • Administer Volunteer software.

    • Recruit volunteers

    • Thank volunteers. 

    • Communicate with Site Coordinator about numbers of volunteers available. 





    • Identify individuals and business with philanthropic interest.

    • Reach out to individuals and business to share sponsorship opportunities. 

    • Secure in kind and financial donations.  

    • Come up with one fundraiser per year. 



    Local Program Coordinator 


    • Ambassador in the city and Region 

    • Communicate with Dream Team 

    • Communicate with Program Director 

    • Identify Expos and Branding opportunities. 

    • Present during practices or identify replacement. 

    • Communicate with Athlete Caregiver for optimal court assignment. 

    • Communicate with volunteers for optimal court assignment. 

    • Create and print court assignment for each practice and share with site coordinator. 





    Site Coordinator:


    • Open and close the facility.  

    • Have a list of coach leaders, buddies, and athletes. 

    • Supervise set up: 

    Welcome table – shirts for athletes, volunteers, liability forms.  

    Court set up – depending on levels, number of participants. 

    Refreshments – Prepare water with ice. 

    Assure medical kid is available. 

    • Welcome athlete and volunteers. 

    • See if all your coach leaders are ready.

    • Call Volunteers at 3:15 pm

    Welcome them. 

    Thank them for being there.

    Explain them what their role as coach buddy means.

    Introduce them to their coach leaders. 

    • Call athletes at 3:30 pm 

    Welcome them.

    Send them out to their courts with their coach leader. 

    • Walk around: 

    Check on racket sizes. 

    Check on athlete’s being on the right court – level wise. 

    Check if volunteers are comfortable and if we are using their potential.

    Assess weather moving people around.

    Take notes for following week.

    Give extra tips to athletes. 

    Suggest coaching ideas to coach leaders and buddies.

    Praise athletes and coaches 

    Individually thank coaches. 

    Greed and communicate with parents. 

    • Call the end of practice 4:30 pm: 

    Speak through megaphone.

    Ask Coaches to get their athletes together. 

    Rackets up: Dream Court Tennis on three.

    • Guide everybody to put equipment back to storage room. 

    • Make a last round through facility.

    Assure no equipment or trash is left behind.

    Assure facility tables and chair are organized.

    Closer storage room


    Coach Leader:


    • Set up court, assure equipment is ready to start practice.

    • Walk athletes to the courts. 

    • Introduce them to their coach buddy. 

    Your best coach buddy should be placed with the most challenged athlete. 

    • Lead a welcoming ice breaker circle. 

    • Follow coaching guide maintaining time management (preferably with a watch/no phone)

    • Give specific directions where to place their belongings and water bottles. 

    • Give specific directions where athletes and volunteers should be (have dots) 

    • Give specific directions what athletes and volunteers should do (demonstrate) 

    • Assist coach buddies in how to interact with their athlete. 

    • Assist coaches with how to toss balls and where if needed. 

    • Coach athletes with techniques, tactic, and sportsmanship – depending on level. 

    • Assure athletes are using the right size rackets. 

    • Assure your volunteers have a racket. 

    • Assure that everybody stays hydrated. 

    • Always think ahead. 

    When group is on water break, leader prepares court for what’s next. 

    • Leader does not pick up balls.

    You may lead your athletes and coach buddies to do so

    Your role is to focus on what’s next. 


    Coach Buddy:


    • Be with athletes from the beginning to the end of practice. 

    • Follow lead of Coach Leader 

    • Assist with warm up.

    • When time to hit, feed balls. 

    • When it is time to play, be a unified partner. 

    • When it is time to pick up balls, pick up balls with them. 

    • Praise them when something is done right.

    • Encourage when a task is a challenge. 

    • Communicate with your coach leader about any athlete concern. 


    Ball People:


    • Pick up balls. 

    • Bring balls to baskets.

    • Return Ball Picker uppers.


    Welcome Table 


    • First Day of Season set up two tables: 

    Athletes:  Liability forms, yellow t-shirts, pens, folder

    Volunteers: Liability forms, white t-shirts, pens, folder 

    • Greed and welcome parents, athlete’s, volunteers. 

    • Explain

    Dream Court Juniors will play 2:45 pm on court 6,7, and 8

    Dream Court red, orange, green, yellow will start at 3:30 pm 

    Volunteers, please attend coaching meeting at 3:15 pm 

    Coach leaders please set up their court. 


    Storage Container


    • Place equipment back in storage room after every practice 

    • Make sure dots are not folded. 

    • Make sure ice is out from the cooler – no molding. 

    • Make sure that the storage container is walkable. 






  • Training Required