Please join us for the End Hunger Challenge, our online anti-hunger learning experience in October. Volunteers who complete the course will receive a certificate noting 15 hours of community service at the end.
Through daily lessons, including readings, videos, podcasts, online discussions and more, participants build their knowledge and advocacy skills to end hunger in their communities. Participants like Eva T., who writes, "I was able to take away a lot from this course, from the basics of what hunger is, to who goes through it, the causes an solutions, and how to advocate against it. As I progressed through this course, I found myself looking forward to what i would be able to learn on each new day!"
The challenge is free and open to the public, so register online here: and join Eva and the thousands of other participants in Zero Hunger Academy. (Interested in taking the challenge with your co-workers, volunteers, board of directors or student group? We want to hear from you - email Liz Pearce, [email protected] for information about partnership opportunities.)