‘HungerHeroes2024!’ Is an extraordinary spirit-enriching celebration of giving and caring in which any one of any age or background can participate and extend love to those in need. It's a work of joy - with music, entertainment, and the opportunity to share a joyous experience with friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, work associates, and community residents.
Transportation Details & Disability Access
InnerView Student Volunteers should be comfortable standing for several hours - and lifting and carrying 30 pounds. NOTE: The Allstate Arena is a secured campus, so you must have a valid picture ID to gain access. We will be sending out detailed instructions and maps on how to reach the event venue a few days before the event. Parking is free.
Training Required
We are seeking InnerView Student Volunteers to assist Feed6 in set-up, hosting, sanitation, training, table captaining, table re-supply, and clean-up. They are indispensable to the smooth flow and logistics of our events. Feed6 will provide on-site training. Volunteers should plan to arrive at 7AM on Saturday, November 16th, 2024 at the Skyline Room, across from the Allstate Arena and report to Chris or Bill, Feed6's Co-Founders. More information will be provided - along with detail directions to the location - as we get closer to the event.