Bullying is an epidemic. 1 in 5 students (ages 12-18) experience bullying.
Cyberbullying has increased by 73% in recent years.
160,000 students miss school every day for fear of being bullied.
Suicide is now the second leading cause of death among teens, and bullying is a significant factor.
Less than half (46%) of students report bullying incidents to an adult.
With these types of statistics, we need to work toward making our world more empathic and inclusive. Therefore, we ask for your help in bringing a transformative, virtual anti-bullying presentation to your school, club or community group.
Humanity Rising: https://humanityrising.org/ helps students create a more compassionate world through leadership initiatives that instill positive change. One component of our platform includes an innovative, virtual Anti-Bullying presentation led by a father who tragically lost his 11-year-old son to suicide from bullying. His gripping story immediately captures students’ hearts, transforming and saving young lives. Over 4 million youth across the country have experienced this life changing, and life saving, presentation.
This free presentation directly addresses anti-bullying and suicide-prevention, but also provides follow-up resources to help teachers and counselors continue the work. We hope you will become the next school to see the positive change that this presentation creates not only in the classroom, but in our society as a whole.
You will receive a minimum of 3 service learning hours by bringing this presentation to your school, club of community.