June 23, 2022 -
October 11, 2022
North Carolina Governor's Page Service Project (17 hours)
Local Service, Global Impact
Collaboration, Communication, Problem solving, Civic literacy and citizenship, Leadership
Organizing this food and clothing drive has been one of the most fulfilling projects I’ve done myself. I’ve learned that helping people in any way that I can is, and will always be, my goal in life. I’m glad that my donations of food, clothing, and money will go to those in need in my community.
Project Impact
I collected over 50 pounds of canned food, around 50 pounds of clothing, and donated my stipend from serving as a Governors Page to my local resource center.

Project Proposal
2.00 hours leading a collection drive | Compassion
For my service project I plan on working with my local community center, South Davidson Family Resource Center, to create a food and clothing drive. I’m also going to donate my stipend from my week at the Governors Page Program to the resource center for their Emergency Finance Assistance program.

Project Planning
4.00 hours leading an initiative | Compassion
While planning for my clothing and food drive I asked around in my community for donations and I planned on getting together my own clothes by cleaning the closets in my home.

Do the Project
10.00 hours leading an initiative | Compassion
Today I donated my collected goods of canned food, clothing, and $150 to my local resource center, South Davidson Family Resource Center, and made some friends along the way!

Project Outcomes & Reflection
1.00 hour leading an initiative | Connectedness
After completing my service project I have felt closer to my community and that by just doing the simple task of helping people in anyway that I can, I can make life a little easier for others. I feel closer to my community because with working the service center I’ve learned the reality of many of the people in my community and I now know some of the ways to help. Later this year (and whenever I can) I plan to work even more with the service center to aid those in my community.