Provides living wage jobs and enables small business to thrive within a strong, fair, and sustainable economy.
Ensures access to quality education for all without the burden of student loan debt.
Offers quality health care for everyone regardless of ability to pay or preexisting medical condition.
Invests in our energy, transportation, telecommunications, and Internet infrastructure to make it clean, safe, accessible, and reliable.
Protects our environment and fights climate change by requiring polluters to clean up their act and ensure clean air, water, and energy.
Limits special interest money in politics and requires full disclosure of campaign contributions.
Delivers on the promise made to those who have paid for Social Security and Medicare with benefits that keep pace with today's needs.
Honors our service members and veterans with timely access to the benefits they have earned.
Ends social and economic injustice and discrimination in matters of employment, housing, education, service, and pay.
Respects individual liberty and dignity as we protect and serve all members of our community.