The St. Clair County Environmental Education Network was developed in May 2002, and consists of county and local agencies, individuals, and nonprofit groups committed to environmental education in St. Clair County. Our main function is to produce the annual Earth Fair event. What originally began as the St. Clair County Environmental Education Network to produce the annual Earth Fair event has now formally become a non-profit organization. St. Clair County Earth Fair received its 501c3 status August, 2014. Our board is committed to environmental education in St. Clair County and meets throughout the year to share education resources and collaborate on ways to improve environmental education opportunities in St. Clair County. Our first Earth Fair was held in 2003. That first year was attended by no more than a handful of visitors and eight vendors barely taking up space in one building at Goodells County Park. Today, we are bursting at the seams having grown to thousands of visitors and over 70 vendors spread across six buildings. More than just a passing fad, Earth Fair has become a destination and is quickly growing to be one of Michigan’s largest and liveliest Earth Day celebrations! Since Earth Fair’s inception, it has been held in conjunction with the St. Clair Conservation District’s annual spring tree sale. In fact, it was because of the Conservation District’s popular tree sale that Earth Fair was created. Their tree sale attracted quite an audience and we wanted to capitalize on that. Over the years, a mutual partnership has grown that benefits both organizations.